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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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The Managerial Training and Development Program Requirements of Public Secondary School Administrators

( Volume 4 Issue 8,August 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Jameson H. Tan


This study aimed to explore the management training and development program requirements of the secondary school administrators of Valenzuela City, Philippines. The descriptive method of research employing a questionnaire was used in conducting this study. Twenty (20) secondary school principals were utilized as principal-respondents of the study and one hundred fourteen (114) head teachers were chosen through the use of purposive sampling. The level of management training and development requirements of school administrators were moderately high on four areas of management: financial, academic (curriculum and teachers’ management), human resource management and general management. The management and development program where the school administrators need training are in line with enhancing quality instruction, in-service education for teachers’ development and performance evaluation of teachers. Curriculum, teacher, human resource, financial and general management are the order of priority in training school administrators on   school management.

There was significant difference between the management and development program requirements of school principals and head teachers in financial, teachers’ and human resource management.   A management development plan that addresses the management and development program requirements of school principals and head teachers is a felt need.  A continuing training program in various areas of
administration and supervision should be conducted. Education authorities should put in effect emergency administrative and supervisory training program especially for cases that need


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