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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
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The Nutrition Label – Which Information is Important to The Consumer?

( Volume 4 Issue 11,November 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Mr. Gautam Donga, Dr. Naresh Patel


Purpose - To study importance given by consumer to the various information on nutrition label, and to survey consumer of various cities of Gujarat, India, to determine the percentage of consumers who read nutrition label, how frequently they read nutrition label while purchasing different food products.

Methodology - Consumers from Ahmedabad, Surat, Vadodara and Rajkot were surveyed using a structured questionnaire. The survey has been conducted at outside the various retail stores in all the four cities. Questionnaire contain questions on various components of Nutrition label, frequency of reading nutrition label while purchasing specific categories of products and demographic information (n = 2192).

Findings - Of 2192 respondents, 95.8 percent were aware about nutrition label and 88 percent reported reading nutrition label. The most important information on nutrition label for respondents were ‘Total fat’, ‘Calories from fat’ and ‘Cholesterol’. When ask about specific product categories, read nutrition label more frequently were snacks, soft drinks, and chocolates.


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Total View : 761 | Downloads : 752 | Page No: 53-56 |

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