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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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The Perception and the Effect of Using Concept Maps Strategy on English as a Foreign Language Learners’

( Volume 5 Issue 7,July 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Amir Aizuddin bin Sebi @ Hasbi, Nur Ehsan bin Mohd Said


This research is to study the perception and also the effect of using concept maps strategy when the pupils use as foreign language. The case study was conducted in rural school in Malaysian Borneo which is situated in Sarawak whereby five samples were selected. The name of the school is Sekolah Kebangsaan Ulu Machan in Kanowit district and the pupils are all in Year Six which consists of five pupils. The instruments to collect the data from this case study are ‘think aloud’, one to one interview and the final instrument is group discussion where they manage to elaborate their perceptions towards the concept maps strategy and also the effect of the concept maps when they are using during English lesson in class takes place. The data from the analysis and finding found out that there was a positive improvement towards the strategy applied in class as in the analysis. To sum up, the usage of the concept maps strategy has brought the pupils of Year Six in the school improvement in essay writing.  


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