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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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The Perceptions of Year Six Pupils on the Usage of Numb-Met Toward Enhancing ESL Comprehension Skill

( Volume 5 Issue 2,February 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Siti Nurhazwani Binti Kamin, Dr. Maslawati Mohamad


Reading for comprehension is not a simple phenomenon, but a very complex process. Hence, the suitability of methods and strategies in teaching reading comprehension should fit into students’ needs. This study attempted to explore the usage of NUMB-MET amongst Year 6 pupils in answering reading comprehension questions as well as to investigate to what extent does NUMB-MET facilitate Year 6 pupils in enhancing their reading comprehension skills. Eight year six pupils one primary school in Bintulu, Sarawak were involved in this case study and the data were collected using document analysis, focus group interviews and field notes. The findings revealed that all the participants perceived that NUMB-MET as engaging, effective, served as language support in constructing sentences in English reading comprehension.  The findings of this study are hoped to provide insights to the educators on teaching students reading comprehension strategies which could help the students especially primary pupils in answering questions with lesser or minimal help from the teachers.

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