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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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India | Germany | France | Japan

The Relation between the Leadership Styles of Managers in Nursing Faculties and Anxietyamong Students

( Volume 2 Issue 4,April 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Taraneh Taghavi, Fataneh Ghadirian, Negin Zamani


Leadership is a process of influencing on individuals in order to achieve the organizational aims. The leadership style plays a critical part in the efficiency of the organizations, particularly on human resources. The effect of leadership style on human experiences and their interactions has become a significant fact within the recent years. This study was carried out in order to examine the relation between the leadership styles of managers in nursing faculties of Tehran and the level of anxiety in their nursing students in 2006. The simple sampling technique was utilized. Finally, 212 nursing students participated in this study. The relation between the leadership styles of managers and the level of anxiety in nursing students were examined by researcher’s self-organized questionnaire. What it all comes down to is that, based on the participants’ view points, there is no meaningful relation between the leadership styles of managers in nursing faculties in Tehran and the level of anxiety in their nursing students.

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