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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
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The Research on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty of Business Hotel Service Quality

( Volume 8 Issue 4,April 2022 ) OPEN ACCESS

Wu Chao-Sen, Tsai Yi-Wen, Lin Shin-Yi, Chen Shang-Wei, Oba Kotaro


Business Hotel, Service Quality, Satisfaction, Loyalty


Taiwan's tourism industry began to develop in 1956, and the hotel industry was also emerging at this time. Hotels must maintain good perceived quality and experience value in order to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, and increase their willingness to stay.

The research object is to explore the research on customer satisfaction and loyalty of hotel service quality on travelers who have stayed in Midu Business Hotel. In this study, SPSS statistical software was used for data analysis, 200 questionnaires were distributed, and a total of 142 questionnaires were recovered, with a recovery rate of 71%. After deducting 17 incomplete questionnaires, the effective recovery rate was 62.5%, and the average value of the dimensions was greater than 4.4, indicating that tourists basically have a positive attitude towards the service quality, satisfaction and loyalty of the hotel. The research results show that the service quality provided by the hotel has a significant impact on customer satisfaction, which means that the higher the service quality provided by the hotel to the customer, the higher the overall customer satisfaction, that is, the service quality has a significant impact on the overall customer satisfaction. significant positive relationship.

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