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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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The Research on the Factors of Tourists' Willingness to Revisit in Tourism Marketing

( Volume 5 Issue 8,August 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Wu Chao-Sen


This study explored the effect of tourism motivation, travel satisfaction and willingness to revisit Taiwan. A total of 350 copies of the questionnaire were issued, and 313 responses were deemed to be valid, yielding a return rate of 85.9%, and the data were analyzed using correlation Analysis, regression analysis and path Analysis. This study provided the following conclusions: 1. Tourism motivation and travel satisfaction had a positive effect on the willingness of tourists to revisit a destination. 2. Travel satisfaction acts as a mediator between tourism motivation and the willingness of tourists to revisit. It is also a key factor affecting the probability of tourists revisiting. As a result, the tourism industry must increase tourists’ travel satisfaction to increase the likelihood of them revisiting.

Paper Statistics:

Total View : 717 | Downloads : 708 | Page No: 35-38 |

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