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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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The Role of APQP and QFD in Production

( Volume 2 Issue 4,April 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Dr. Kamaladdin Rahmani, Tajaddin Eram


The world economy in the twenty-first century will be faced with profound transformation. These developments are going to affect most countries that rely on single-product economy (such as oil) have had. Because the oil in the global economy and the authority of his past into the "black gold" is lost In fact, growth and economic development in the next century will depend on the volume of production and added value that is created in those countries. This fact added to the effort of governments in creating new competitive advantages. In today's knowledge era and the post-industrial age, rapid changes, technological developments resulted in global organizations think and to deal with the unpredictable competition to prepare. In a world where change occurs at extremely high speeds, organizations are threatened with destruction. The emergence of competitors in the competitive provision of services and production of goods with high quality and reasonable price is a threat to organizations. In today's competitive world, all organizations have found that customer satisfaction is dependent on increasing the quality of goods and services. No matter which product you sell or fantastic ideas, success depends on the quality of the final product. What is that your business is not important. To be successful you need to have the quality of goods produced in the first place. Finally, growth in sales of more sustainable business and sustainable business that its structure is relatively large.No doubt we do not live in a perfect world, people are wrong and the car broke down, the objective is to minimize these problems so that customers are impressed again and again to come straight. Access to this goal by focusing on quality is possible. Enhance quality, thus preserving the capital, and in this case no further action is to compensate for past mistakes. Staff is also working more efficiently because people are interested in the company and working in groups. How can the uniqueness of the quality of your business make sure, this article reviews the advanced product quality planning APQP in the design and manufacture of new products, goals, benefits and implementation steps it has stated, The results of the findings based on the one-sample t test showed Advanced product quality planning in industrial products, at 95 percent in terms of quality, customer satisfaction, costs and affect their quality there. Also to QFD, Houses of Quality (HOQ), and attitudes the quality are mentioned.

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