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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

The Role of G D Maitland and Laser in Adhesive Capsulities

( Volume 3 Issue 10,October 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Zaki Anwer, Suraj Kumar


Background: Adhesive Capsulitis(AC) is a shoulder condition known for gradual and painful loss of both active and passive range of motion (ROM) in all planes of gleno-humeral joint[1]. Many treatments have shown for AC: rest, analgesia, active and passive mobilization, physiotherapy, oral and injected Corticosteroids, capsular distention, manipulation under anesthesia. The Authors present with role of randomized control study to show effects of G D Maitland mobilization as compared to laser therapy in Adhesive Capsulities.Method: 20 subjects,10 in each group suffering from AC were randomized into two treatment groups.Group A participants were given hotpack and Maitland mobilization with exercises and Group B with Laser therapy and supervised exercises followed by home based exercises during the data recording intervals. Patients were assessed using VAS, SPADI for assessment of pain and disability in both group scores.Result: It has been seen that variable scores for all the variables improved significantly in both groups namely Maitland therapy group as well as laser therapy group. These were evaluated after the variables score were taken at “o day verses 30 days”, “30 days versus 90 days” as well as on “0 days versus 90 days” the improvement was seen higher in Maitland group than laser group.Conclusion: Thus we can conclude that the G D Maitland mobilization is better improvement as compared to laser therapy. Maitland mobilization is more effective in reducing pain intensity and reducing functional disability in adhesive capsulitis.

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