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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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The Significance of Ethics in Educational Institutions: A Literature Review

( Volume 6 Issue 10,October 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ronnie L. Torres OMI


ethics, ethics in education, education and ethics.


We have witnessed and experienced the deterioration of ethics and values in schools in all levels – administrations, teachers, students and non-teaching personnel.  Moreover, the school has become more diverse in terms of race, culture and traditions, political views, religions and the like. It is likely that those in the educational system experience ethical dilemmas that if not given immediate attention may lead to serious complications. The author tries to delveinto the ethical issues the educational institutions experience, the dilemmas they face, and offer recommendations to alleviate the problems.  This paper emphasizes the necessity of developing curative and educative programs that will help members of the educational system to manage, teach and produce ethical individuals. This paper also offers opportunities to readers and future researchers to deeply investigate into the various identified ethical issues,most especially in developing comprehensive programs that may help school administrators to run educational institutions based on ethical standards.


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