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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Thinking Unconventional: Alternative Assessment at Tertiary Level Education in Bangladesh

( Volume 4 Issue 1,January 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Naushin Nazifa Islam, Irtisam Ahmed


The contemporary developments in the sphere of teaching English as second language have introduced some significant alternatives to the evaluation and assessment approaches of language classrooms. As a result, educators have started focusing on the implementation of the alternative assessment (AA) to empower their learners. This paper aims to explore the current status of the practice of AA and its effectiveness in tertiary level ESL classroom in Bangladesh by conducting a research among the participating students and teachers. For this paper, researchers will evaluate the strategic outcomes and productiveness of three different tools of AA: portfolio, project-based learning, and oral presentation. They have applied both the qualitative and quantitative approaches for collecting and analyzing the data.


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