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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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To Study of GAN Based Primary Double Gate Junctionless Tunnel FET: A Review

( Volume 7 Issue 3,March 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

R. Tamilarasi


DoubleGate,Ambipolar nature, Junction less TunnelFET (JL-TFET), steepsubthreshold slope,sentaurus TCAD simulator.


In this paper explores the performance of GaN based double gate n-channel junction less tunnel FET (JL-TFET) and its comparatively new technology, which is suitable for low power applications. To overcome the major challenges faced by conventional MOSFET and it reduces the low current driving capability, ambipolar behavior of the TFET. In this material enhances the device performance especifically the faster switching, compact size, low ON resistance, less capacitance improved thermal conductivity and relatively lower cost than Si devices. In JLTFET select the appropriate work function and interfaces is to improve the ON current and ambipolarity. In this optimization to provide idea to select the appropriate length direction towards the practical feasibility at the experimental level values tried to achieve in this.

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