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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Tourism Sector Assessors Characteristics and Employers Satisfaction on the Graduates Level Performance

( Volume 9 Issue 7,July 2023 ) OPEN ACCESS

Emilie Suarez-Estelloso


Assessors, Employer, Graduates, Level of Performance, Satisfaction, Tourism Sector


This study aimed to find out the characteristics of TESDA assessors as predictors of student’s competencies in Tourism Sector. It also determined the influence of the assessor’s profile and competencies; assessors and students assessment experiences; and employers’ level of satisfaction of graduates’ work performance. The findings of this study would lead the researcher to determine the model assessor’s characteristics in tourism sector. The study was conducted at University of Southern Mindanao-Kidapawan City Campus (USM-KCC) where the assessors are affiliated and different establishments which the Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) graduates are employed. This study used the descriptive-evaluated design both utilizing the quantitative and qualitative data. Through the help of the survey questionnaire and question guide, the findings revealed that the assessors’ profile had high correlation towards the employers’ satisfaction on graduate’s work performance. Furthermore, the competencies of assessors have substantial or marked relationship to the employers’ satisfaction on TVET/TESDA graduates’ work performance. The null hypotheses were rejected at 0.05% level of significance. There were ten (10) themes formulated for Tourism Sector Assessors’ characteristics which will be a guideline in predicting the students’ competencies and graduates’ work performance.


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