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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Tourism Sites and Infrastructural Development in Southern Senatorial District of Cross River State, Nigeria

( Volume 4 Issue 3,March 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Sovereign Felix Nyong, Linus Odumogban Inyang


The urge to diversify Nigeria economy had led to the opening up of different sectors, tourism is one of such sector that has gain attention in recent time. With a great climate heritage beautiful nature and geographical location, Southern Senatorial District of Cross River State is chosen for this study.  The study shall focus on the relationship between tourism sites and good road network of southern senatorial district of cross river state, Nigeria.  In order to achieve these objectives, one hypothesis was formulated and tested for this pilot research.  The study adopted a survey research design with the use of a structured questionnaire to procure relevant data to test the hypothesis. Data obtained was analyzed using simple percentages and chi-square, based on the analysis of data and the major finding.  Two theories were used to offer further explanation to literature review this includes, stages of economy growth theory and technological determinism. The population of the study comprises forty (40) field staff of Tourism Department serving at Biase Local Government Area, Akamkpa Local Government Area. And Calabar Municipality. The instrument was administered to the entire field staff since they were not many, based on statistical analysis, it was revealed that significant relationship exist between good roads and tourism site development in the study area, based on this findings, recommendations were made for more and better infrastructure at tourism sites, host communities need to be sensitized to protect infrastructures within their vicinity.

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