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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Tulexia: Tutor for Dyslexics

( Volume 4 Issue 4,April 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Pratibha Kokardekar, Sakshi Nanwani, Sajel Goel, Amit Iyer


This paper introduces a software for dyslexic patients. Dyslexia is a brain condition in which people face problems in detecting words, reading sentences. They cannot read words aloud and they get confused in similar alphabets and numbers. This problem can be cured but it requires proper attention and training to dyslexic people. Training is given like word detecting practices, character visualization, practicing similar alphabets, teaching phonics. This software is based on artificial intelligence and virtual reality. It will try to help dyslexic people and will improve their condition. This software will also contain some animations to reduce the frustration level of dyslexics.

Paper Statistics:

Total View : 784 | Downloads : 775 | Page No: 41-43 |

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