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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Unification of SR and GR and Four Fundamental Interactions in RAF Theory

( Volume 4 Issue 11,November 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Branko M. Novakovic


As we know, there exists requirement for unification of Special Relativity (SR) and General Relativity (GR) into one self-consistent theory. On the other side, there also exists requirement for unification of four fundamental interactions in the standard four dimensions (4D). Recently, it has been developed a new Relativistic Alpha Field Theory (RAFT or RAF theory) that can be used for the mentioned unifications. Namely, in RAF theory it has been introduced an alpha field as the function of two dimensionless field parameters α and α′. These parameters are the functions of the normalized potential energy of a particle in an alpha field. If there no potentials, then field parameters α and α′ become equal to unity, and all items in GR are transformed into the related items in SR. Thus, RAF theory unifies SR and GR into one self-consistent theory. Further, the fact that field parameters α and α′ are the functions of the normalized potential energy of a particle in an alpha field opens ability to unify all fundamental interactions in the standard four dimensions (4D). Here it has been shown that RAF theory is the adequate candidate for the unification of the four fundamental interactions in standard 4D, because it extends the applications of GR to the extremely strong gravitational field, including of the Planck’s scale.


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