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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Use of Thermal Sensors for Fall Detection in a Simulated Toilet Environment

( Volume 5 Issue 11,November 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Satoshi Shirogane, Hitomi Takahashi, Kenji Murata, Satoshi Kido, Tomoya Miyasaka, Tadafumi Saga, Shuhei Sakurai, Toyohiro Hamaguchi, Toshiaki Tanaka


Falls are likely to occur in a toilet. However, people typically are alone when they use the toilet; thus, if a fall occurs, it may be difficult to ask for help. Therefore, we constructed a fall detection system using a thermal image sensor that cannot distinguish details, such as a face, and has high suitability for the toilet environment. In this study, we investigate the influence of the sensor position on the fall discrimination rate.

Sensors were installed at four locations and normal toilet movements and falling postures were recorded using eight healthy adults. Discrimination formulas were prepared using thermal images obtained for four subjects, and discrimination rates of falling postures were calculated for the remaining four subjects, which were then compared relative to sensor positions.

The highest discrimination rate (95.7%) was obtained with the sensor installed in front of the toilet at the height of the body center of the subject sitting on the toilet. The lowest discrimination rate (60.2%) was obtained with the sensor installed in front of the toilet and close to the ceiling with respect to the subject sitting on the toilet.

To detect falls using thermal imaging, sensor positions should be based on various factors, such as whether the entire body can be imaged relative to the falling posture without depending only on the height and direction or whether the difference between normal activity and falling posture is clear, including the environment of the toilet and the assumed fall situation.


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