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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Using XSLT transformations for CMIS eXtent

( Volume 2 Issue 12,December 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Mihai Stancu, Florin Slabu


Today, the XML language is the standard data exchange format in Internet or Intranet environments and is accepted by the all higher level Frameworks. One frequently use case is when the applications communicate with each other or need to integrate the information from different heterogeneous data sources. When we consider the applications from an enterprise level, the ECM Systems are the frameworks that can meet the business needs of the today modern organizations and that can manage all the unstructured electronic information. CMIS is a XML standard that can assure interoperability between these ECM Systems. Recently, a new extension of this standard was proposed, aiming to bring the native XML databases into the same collaboration scenario. In this paper we will try to enlarge this proposal by adding a custom transformation module that will help the developers to integrate more easily new XML documents as new custom CMIS documents query able from CMIS Interface.

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