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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Utilization of Maternal Health Services in Slums of Rajasthan

( Volume 1 Issue 8,December 2015 ) OPEN ACCESS

Arvind Singhal


Utilization of health services is a complex behavioral phenomenon affected by multiple factors including availability, distance, cost and quality of care as well as personal attitudes, cultural beliefs and socio-economic characteristics. Mothers and children constitute a vulnerable group or special risk group in a community. This is more so with those residing in slum where the access to and affordability of healthcare is compromised on account of various reasons. These slums have limited access to basic amenities and the same time living conditions are unhygienic. These unhygienic conditions propagate the number of diseases. Most of these causes of maternal deaths are well known and are largely preventable by increasing access to and utilization of available maternal health services. It is essential that all pregnant women have access to high quality maternal health care throughout their pregnancies.

 Present cross-sectional study was carried out to explore the Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of slum dwellers with special reference to utilization of maternal health services and to analyze the relationship of socio-economic and demographic factors influencing utilization of maternal health services. A total of 359 residential households were set as sample size for the study in all selected cities of Rajasthan State. Home deliveries and unsafe deliveries are still widely prevalent in slums. The percentage of utilization of ANC, PNC and Family Planning (FP) services was found to be very poor and THIS IS not only affected  by lack of medical facilities but social determinants like education, income, myths and misconceptions prevalent in the society. A sustained and focused IEC campaign to improve the awareness amongst community on MCH will help in improving community participation. The current study also highlighted the importance of access issues to healthcare seeking behaviour. These factors involved costs associated with seeking treatment, distance and the time taken to travel to healthcare facilities. 

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