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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Utilization of Mathematical Apps and Websites and the Mathematics Achievement of Grade 10 Students in the New Normal

( Volume 9 Issue 8,August 2023 ) OPEN ACCESS

Arita Babejane G., Peradilla Lynniel D., Salinas Patrick M.


Cebu City, Philippines, Descriptive-Correlational Method, mathematics achievement, Teaching Mathematics, utilization of math apps and websites


This study determined the relationship between the utilization of mathematical apps and websites and the mathematics achievement of Grade 10 students in the new normal. It utilized a descriptive correlational method. The respondents were 82 Grade 10 students from the three identified private high schools in Cebu. A modified standardized survey questionnaire was used to get the data for the utilization of math apps and websites and a standardized achievement test was used to identify the math achievement of the respondents. The frequency, percentage, weighted mean, and Chi-square test were used to treat the data. Most parents were college graduates with a combined monthly income of above 30,000 pesos. Furthermore, most of the respondents were using WIFI and smartphones. It also revealed that the extent of using the mathematical apps and websites was interpreted as utilized. The math achievement of the respondents was very satisfactory. Using the statistical treatment, it was found that there is no significant relationship between the demographic profile variables and the extent of utilization of math apps and websites. However, only the combined monthly income posed a significant relationship with the math achievement of the respondents. Moreover, there is a significant relationship between the utilization of math apps and websites and the math achievement of Grade 10 students. It was concluded that the utilization of math apps and websites affects the math achievement of Grade 10 students. The researchers recommend that the strategic intervention material be used and monitored. 


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