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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Visual Cryptography Based Phishing Suppression for Online Voting System

( Volume 6 Issue 10,October 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Nikitha Kaveriappa, Dr. R. Aparna


online voting, evoting, pishing, hacking, Visual Cryptography.


In the present world due to the busy schedule of people the casting of their votes for elections is been very less. The main reason for not casting the vote be reaching their voting center because people work in different work location far away from their native places. Many other reasons like waiting in the lengthy queue, few may not be interested in politics, elder people may not be having knowledge of voting and etc. Government and Information Technology (IT) with the means of available electronic infrastructure are parallel improvising the voting system in a timely manner to encourage the people for voting. We go through few online voting system proposals proposed in the recent past and come across few drawback of the systems such as hacking of network, server problems, security breach, and phishing. We take phishing as a major drawback and improvise the system for phishing attacks. Attempting to get the confidential and personal information of an organization or an individual by an unknown suspicious user is defined as Phishing. We reframe the online voting system to prevent such phishing attacks based on Visual Cryptography (VC) which goals at providing a capability to cast poll for confidential and critical commercial assessments. The system allows the users to cast their vote from any remote location in a fully confidential and secure manner so that the casted vote reaches to the participating candidate correctly. When the voter logs into to the voting system, needs to enter a password, generated by the system by combining the two parts of VC methodology. The first part of the password will be sent to the voters registered email id before the election, while the second part of the password will be generated the voting device. The voter needs to enter the combined password during the voting process to cast his vote. The system is been tested with various known phishing attacks and results are obtained as forecasted.


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