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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
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Voice Controlled Robotic System using Arduino Microcontroller

( Volume 3 Issue 4,April 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Mr. Vedant Chikhale, Mr. Raviraj Gharat, Ms. Shamika Gogate, Mr. Roshan Amireddy


Voice controlled robotic system is very beneficial in areas where there is high risk for humans to enter. Voice controlled robotic system is controlled through voice commands received via android device. The integration of control unit with Bluetooth device is achieved using a Bluetooth module to capture and read the voice commands. The robotic vehicle operates as per the command received via android device, for this Arduino is integrated in the system. The controlling device may be any smart phone having an Android OS. The transmitter uses an android application required for transmitting the data. The receiver end reads these commands and interprets them into controlling the robotic vehicle. The android device sends commands to move the vehicle in forward, backward, right and left directions. After receiving the commands, Arduino operates the motors in order to move the vehicle in four directions. The communication between android device and receiver is sent as serial communication data. Arduino program is designed to move the motor through a motor driver circuit as per the commands sent by android device. The wireless camera is interfaced with Arduino to record forward movement of the robotic system which also includes wireless night vision camera which will not only allow viewing whatever will be recorded in day time but also during night. A robotic arm is mounted at the front of the system to make changes in the environment along with a lcd screen to view the received commands. An obstacle detector is added to protect the system from obstacles on the way by using an ultrasonic sensor.

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Total View : 799 | Downloads : 790 | Page No: 92-94 |

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