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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Water Quality Analysis and Smart Water Meter Using IOT

( Volume 10 Issue 2,February 2024 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ms. Sakshitai Bharama, Mrs. Komal Patil, Mr. Yadav Panaswad, Mr. Ajay Sawant


IoT, water flow meter, pH Sensor, Turbidity, float sensor, water quality.


Now a days water is polluted by factories west chemical. The polluted water can cause various diseases to humans and animals, which in turn affects the life cycle of the ecosystem.  To make pure water and the water quality should real time smart solution If water pollution is detected in an early stage, suitable measures can be taken and critical situations can be avoided. water quality meter management system need data regarding water storage present in tank for monitoring of water pollution are getting more and more significant these days with innovation in sensors, communication, and Internet of Things (IoT) technology. Supply of water to the particular area water tank according to water tank it well be informing to the costumer about water level water meter which monitor water uses The paper proposes a cost effective and efficient IoT based smart water quality monitoring system which monitors the quality parameters uninterruptedly. The developed model is tested with three water samples and the parameters are transmitted to the cloud server for further action PH sensor, turbidity sensor, float sensor , buzzer, water flow sensor are used in this project using checking for water quality and how much use water in daily life. Float sensor are used to the water tank are full filed to a buzzer is ON condition.


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