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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Wave Equation of a Particle with the Exponential Hamiltonian in the Gravitational and Electromagnetic Field

( Volume 5 Issue 3,March 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

N. Perković, M. Stojić


This paper presents a unified view of the relativistic motion of a particle in the gravitational and electromagnetic field. Deliberationhas been carried out withinthe Dirac quantum mechanical theory by using exponential metrics. This theoretical concept brings us to an algebraic sixth-degree equation and solving the equation isa complex mathematical problem. In this paper, we show the solutionfor a basic state of the system and indicated quantum gravitational effects in the area of Planck dimensions.


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Total View : 713 | Downloads : 704 | Page No: 73-75 |

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