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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Which Treatment for Abdominal Trauma in Pediatric Age

( Volume 2 Issue 6,June 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Giorgio Maria Paolo Graziano, Federica Castelli ,Prof Antonino Graziano


Abdominal trauma are present in 40% of multiple trauma patients and in relation to the position of damaged tissues are classified into superficial (bruises) and deep (affecting vessels, parenchyma and viscera) the purpose Of this work is to propose a valid diagnostic algorithm effective and safe. Materials and Methods From January 1997 to December 2000 were seen at the Surgical Clinic III of the University Hospital of Catania No 11 patients aged 8-13 years average age 10.5, with blunt abdominal blunt trauma. N 9 pts. (81%) were male, the remaining n 2 cases (19%) were female, the causes of trauma were accidental and contusion, the most affected organs were: spleen (52%) the liver (31%), kidney and ileum (18%). Results In abdominal trauma in children most frequently was found to parenchymatous organs (spleen and liver, kidney) The diagnostic approach is made by clinical examination based on a history that collects information that guide immediately to the affected organ from trauma for the purposes of defining what the exam is the most appropriate therapy. .Discussion In patients with hemodynamic istabilità after evaluation of CT eco investigations, with the presence of peritoneal fluid proceed to invasive intervention after laparoscopic evaluation. In cases where we have a hemodynamically stable patient in whom the CT and echo tests show small and medium-sized lesions treatment is not implemented invasivo.La tab 1 summarizes the algorithmic Conclusions Conclusions The secondary blunt trauma to domestic traumatic causes or falls frequent accidental in children require special attention not only has specifics kills.

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