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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
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X-bee Based Spy Robot with Night Vision Camera

( Volume 3 Issue 2,February 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ashish Zade, Priyanka Rahangdale, Akshay Giri


Latest studies in the development of wireless sensor networks have achieved a significant attention on a world level. These consist of small sensors with limited power which consumes very less power and also require limited resources. One of these very well-known standards are ZigBee which has been developed to focus on low cost of deployment, low complexity and low power consumption. ZigBee defines the higher layer communication protocols built on IEEE 802.15.4 standards. This paper provides a review on ZigBee technology, its characteristics, its alliance, its access methods, devices and topologies supported by ZigBee. The most important part of this paper is the protocol architecture of ZigBee and its application in Spy Robot with night vision camera.

                Its wireless sensor and actor network builds an information bridge for the components in the intelligent space, the spatially distributed devices are connected together seamlessly. With this network, robot can share the mass information in the intelligent space and improve its performance with “light-packs”, devices in intelligent space, in defense, spy robots with night vision camera etc.  

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Total View : 832 | Downloads : 823 | Page No: 63-66 |

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