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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Adaptive Intra-Piconet Scheduling for Supporting QoS on Scatternet Routes

( Volume 10 Issue 5,May 2024 ) OPEN ACCESS

Chorng-Horng Yang, Wu-Ping Ho


Bluetooth, Quality-of-Service, Scheduling, Scatternet.


Bluetooth is a wireless communication technology which can be used for cable replacement. This paper proposes an adaptive intra-piconet scheduling (-RMRR) for supporting Quality-of-Service (QoS) for scatternet routes. Firstly, two intra-piconet scheduling approaches were presented. However, these scheduling approaches do not fully support QoS on the scatternet route. The Round Robin (RR) approach is a fair scheduling but does not support QoS. The Exhausted Route-Member Round Robin (ERMRR) approach may support QoS on scatternet route but would suffer from the starvation problem. Thus, the proposed α-RMRR approach combines the RR and the ERMRR approaches into the -Route-Member Round Robin (α-RMRR), which can support QoS on route-member slaves and provides good fairness for the slaves. Moreover, the simulation study was conducted to compare the scheduling delay of the three approaches. Our simulation results show that the -RMRR is effective for supporting QoS with respect to the scheduling delay and good fairness on scatternet routes.


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