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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Design Considerations of Shock Absorber for Land Cruiser

( Volume 4 Issue 6,June 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Dr. Aung Ko Latt


The shock absorber is an essential part of the automobiles suspension system. This research paper is intended to design the calculations of shock absorber for Landcruiser. The purpose of the shock absorber is to control spring and suspension movement. In this research paper, the type of shock absorber used is the twin-tube type applied with electrorheological fluid and nitrogen gas. Suspension system is the combination of various types of spring which include leaf springs, coil springs, shock absorbers, air springs and torsion bars. These are used in sets of four for each vehicle. The purpose of this research paper is how to consider and design calculations of shock absorber from the required known data such as piston diameter, rod diameter, electrorheological liquid density, applied electric potential and moderate damper speed. This data had been applied in the following design procedure. It had been calculated the volumetric flow rate through the tube, the viscous pressure drop, shear damper force and damping force. In this paper, the shear damper force is 4 k Pa. The viscous pressure drop is 1.731 M Pa and damping force is 2270 N.

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