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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Determination of Field Parameters in a Strong Electrical Field Using GR Approach

( Volume 6 Issue 2,February 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Branko M. Novakovic


The process of determination of the field parameters in a strong electrical field using GR approach is presented. In that sense a new Relativistic Alpha Field (RAF) theory is employed. This theory extends the application of GRT to the extremely strong fields at the Planck’s scale. The solution of the field parameters α and α′ in a strong electrical field are obtained as the functions of the normalized electrical potential energy U. Energy-momentum tensor for electrical field is generated automatically from the left side of Einstein’s field equations. This tensor satisfies required properties of energy-momentum tensor for electrical field. Derivation of the related electrical force equations confirms valorization for a strong electrical field. In the weak electrical fields these equations are reduced to the well-known force relations. Finally, the related consequences of the solution of field parameters of strong electrical field using GR approach are pointed out. In that sense it is theoretically proved that an electrical field has no interaction with space-time, while a gravitational field has.


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