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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Learning in a Student-Centered Environment

( Volume 10 Issue 5,May 2024 ) OPEN ACCESS

Salinas Patrick M.


learning, student-centered environment, dimensions of learning.


This study focused on the experiences of teachers and students in the student-centered environment to understand how learning takes place and identify dimensions of learning based from their revelations. A qualitative phenomenological study method was used. An interview was done to collect the data from the teacher while a focused group discussion was used in collecting the data from the students. There were 10 teachers and 20 students who participated in the study. The gathered data were analysed using the process of Husserl (1938) and the process and procedures of Colazzis’ (1978) focusing on the common themes emerging from their experiences in the student-centered classroom. The teachers’ and students’ lived experiences in the student-centered classroom revealed 5 common dimensions of learning namely: employing appropriate pedagogy, developing classroom climate and culture, providing support for learning, designing contextualized learning and assessing student learning. However, one dimension was added based from the revelations of the teachers which was managing student behaviour. The findings of the study are recommended for considerations in the university’s efforts for continual improvement in making a more student-centered environment.


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